
When: Saturday April 9th, 2011
Where: The CUNY Graduate Center
Speaker: Isabelle Stengers (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Isabelle Stengers visited the CUNY Graduate Center on a rare visit to the United States for an International Symposium. Cosmopolitics, a book series by Stengers, explores possible nonhierarchical modes of coexistence.

Cosmopolitics explores our entanglements–the diverging values and obligations that shape our practices. Charting the waters between the Scylla of established materialism and the Charybdis of romantic supernaturalism, Cosmopolitics gives us a frame for grappling with what has been created by science while foregrounding the fragile conditions of knowledge production, giving resonance to the unknown and the mysterious beyond. The University of Minnesota Press published Cosmopolitics I, the first book in this series, in 2010.  Cosmopolitics II has been published in French and is currently undergoing translation.

Official Event Site Isabelle Stengers profile (FR)

a companion to the book